May Newsletter


Hello dear friends, 

This newsletter could be a tad long. There is very important info in it. After my channeling and spiritual update, you can scroll down for any admin information and tickets to my event this month. Please stay tuned !!! 

Finally here in Maine we reach May. It is breathtakingly beautiful. A welcome relief after the long winter, and somewhat gray April. The first few months of 2022 could’ve been quite challenging, but much of the astrology is changing currently and the wind is changing directions swiftly. 

As I write this newsletter, it is May 11 and mercury is retrograde until June 3. We are marching steady to a full Moon total lunar eclipse on May 16th. This is a POWERFUL time. Jupiter has just entered Aries for close to a year, Pluto is currently retrograde as well. I will do my best to explain quickly what this all means for us. 

On April 30 we had a solar eclipse and Taurus, this is what we call eclipse season. Eclipses are like new and full moons but with way more spiritual significance and way more potent energy and way more immediate karmic changes. 

These changes don’t necessarily show up on the exact date but usually within 3 to 6 months of the time. Many of us will look back in a few months time and see what has come in, with divine intervention to change things. Examples are if you are unhappy with your job suddenly you could get an offer out of the blue for a different position, which changes the entire course of your life. Sometimes these changes are uncomfortable but you have to understand they are necessary for our soul's growth. Some of it could be about health, some of it could be about relationships ending and or beginning. There is a lot about destiny and karmic cycles. These Taurus/Scorpio eclipses happened under the Pluto influence around May 2003 for about 18 months. You can think back to what kind of changes and events came about during that time. This time Venus and Mars are strongly influenced, as well as Uranus. 

It was easy for me to review where I was at that time. Leaving a marriage and my career beginning to truly soar. My spirituality was greatly enhanced. 

Huge karmic life changes.  

If you were reading this newsletter, there is a reason why. 

One must remember that our souls are only here to learn as if we are in school. I think we must remember that the interior view of life, meaning the soul's journey here and the connection to the mystical experience of knowing oneself is key to understanding how to traverse the rocky roads that life often throws us. Life is not meant to remain the same because our souls won’t learn what we’re supposed to learn as we progress through life before we leave the physical plane and return to the mystical oneness of the Source . 

The precursor to this time over the last few years is not meant to make us live in fear and trust only gurus and government, but learn discernment of our connection to all things and to the self.  You can’t really just meme your way into happiness.  Sorry not sorry my beloveds . 

The temptation to get lost in the abyss of the addictive world of the Internet probably is not the best avenue. Asking yourself what you want, where you want to be where you think your best needed, where you could be loved most is a good question for the next few days. Maybe make a list of goals and dreams and ponder it, during mercury retrograde it’s not a time to act yet during this eclipse season mostly spirit will do a lot of the acting for us much action will happen mid June and beyond. 

What am I learning as I churn like butter in this wild , intense energy ?  Good questions to ask . 

If you follow me on social media or you know me as a client, you may know the way I deliver things which seems to be changing as well. I too am going through a massive transition. 

All these energies are very strong as you know I am extremely turned into it all. 

After losing a good friend earlier in April, I had to rearrange my schedule a bit to work on my connection to him, my souls understanding of at the time that I knew him, and the things that I were to garner from the lessons that I was learning. However the pain of rearranging my schedule when I am in such high demand has been a true challenge. Some thing that my assistant and I are working on and I am working on alone with God. I have other personal matters to attend to, and one must remember I too, am human and have a family. My job is to tend to the garden of your souls, as well as mine, and my community and tribe . As I write this, a small group of crows just sat in the tree next to me and started talking. This is my signal for change. 

Why do I speak of this? Well to back up your lives as well. For I can wager that many of you are going through challenging situations, big emotions, and immense amount of souls confusion. My job is to remind you that there is a soul inside your body, and that soul is here to accomplish certain lessons, some painful, some magnificent, and all for the sake of your ascension.

We are autonomous on our journeys as well as linked. It is all so stunningly beautiful . We are . You are . 

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Just understand that this is a very powerful time and it is very beautiful at the same time. Depending on where these eclipses fall in your natal birth chart some things will be rearranged soon. It will look back in a year or so and see it very clearly if you can’t see it now. And that is completely fine. Just pray for God’s help, ask for assistance in guidance, trust your intuition. Call it all in. 

Remember God does answer our prayers, and sometimes God will answer our prayers by not giving us what we requested. It may be that the journey is for you to figure out your worth, your value, and your gifts. Understanding patience and self love a good Keys on the journey. As well as laughter.

As that old expression says, remember to stop and smell the roses. That too is also important right now.

May News and Offerings

There are still a few spots left to join me for A Night With Sarah at the Stoodio ! Come for some drinks and apps and stay for a lively and engaging , moving and powerful group reading with me at The Stoodio on 200 Kennebec Street in Portland on Saturday, May 21st from 5:30 - 7:30. 

Come and join Sarah Winslow for another beautiful, fun and powerful evening. This will be an audience style group reading and gathering, with free food and drinks beforehand. Sarah delivers her unique and powerful gifts through this audience style reading with fantastic humor and tons of love.

In this style of reading, not everyone is guaranteed to receive a message, however, the experience is still powerful and largely moving for everyone involved.

This event is not appropriate for children.

Get your tickets fast, space is limited and it will sell out fast.

Ticket price is $100.00 for the evening. 

Also did you know that we welcome group readings at my home office for smaller groups, they can be wonderful and a great way to bond with friends in a powerful way inquire here :

I don’t teach classes during the summer because everyone is so busy but we will be offering them again in the fall and will be announcing them over the summer with sign ups. 

Stay in touch with me via social media here: 

My prayer for you is that you have a wonderful beautiful month of May, and that the joy that you feel in your communities inspires you . 

I am always loving you, in grace , 

Sarah Winslow

Reed Allen